Club Family Farm Team (FFT) is a year-round club which envisions today’s historically underserved farmer, at risk, and scarcely surviving as tomorrow’s best and thriving.
Club Family Farm Teams mission is to fortify the historically underserved farming communities by providing mentorship, training, and skills necessary to enable members to take advantage of the opportunities within Science, Technology, Recycling, Engineering, Agriculture, Arts, and Math, with balanced Mental Health (STREA2M2). We’ll also create a network of farmers to collaborate on identifying problems/solutions; teach climate smart conservation; and act as a bridge connecting this community to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)/Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) and practices.
We’ll meet our mission through creating climate smart STREA2M2 focused demonstration sites. Our target age group is age 6 and up beginning in the state of Arizona. Developing our members into highly competitive and capable leaders who will dominate, and grab hold of the grant opportunities provided by 1862 tribal/1890 and 1994 colleges and universities, Hispanic serving institutions, and Pacific Islander serving institutions. Creating highly qualified applicants establishes a steady pipeline for employment with the USDA/NRCS. It is this stable employment that will fortify the overall family unit. Offering today’s underserved tomorrow’s choices.