Dr. Ester Sarai Stevens
Co-founder and President
Co-founder and President Dr. Ester S. Stevens is an United States Air Force veteran who earned her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology and Business Administration from Ottawa University-Phoenix in 2004. She completed a Master of Arts Degree in Clinical Psychology (2010) and a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Degree (2014) from Argosy University-Phoenix. She gained additional experience from inpatient and outpatient settings with the focus on adaptive behaviors patterns and mental health balance while servicing patients ranging in age from early childhood to older adults. She has also served as adjunct faculty within the field of psychology for several Universities.
Ultimately, Dr. Stevens counts being a dutiful wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend among her greatest accomplishments. She feels that aside from God, her family and support systems are the wind beneath her wings… Consequently, she and the Co-founder hopes to foster a familial network within the community through making it possible for individuals to exchange their gifts and talents thereby, exercising the mind, body, and spirit. Which fuels exploration and finding of contentment, joy, and ones self-purpose.